The Spacesuit Junkies - BoomBoxx (Studio Performance) (1)

My homies from the Spacesuit Junkies


Don't Delay, Don't Second Guess. (0)

I use to love observing people who were successful. People who had attained happiness. It gave me hope to see folks so damn content with being and believing in a bigger picture, that it made me content. It made me believe.

I looked for success and studied it. I asked for the same success and then I just waited my turn until it came. I found it over and over again. Following the signs where ever they pulled me like a big game of connect the dots almost.


Welcome Back Kotter (0)

My first Captains Log:

Last night was surreal for a lot of reasons, but mainly because it just felt like my first day back from a long disorienting vacation. One where nothing went right and my return home was delayed by every storm imaginable.

I haven't worked in a Professional Recording Studio in almost two years. No engineering, no writing sessions, no producing. I just....... quit cold turkey.
