Don't Delay, Don't Second Guess.

I use to love observing people who were successful. People who had attained happiness. It gave me hope to see folks so damn content with being and believing in a bigger picture, that it made me content. It made me believe.

I looked for success and studied it. I asked for the same success and then I just waited my turn until it came. I found it over and over again. Following the signs where ever they pulled me like a big game of connect the dots almost.

I have come to realize lately that I lost that ability to imagine success and see it in myself. To see myself becoming a champion of my domain and then walking like one even though I had no clue how....................... Doubt replaced optimism..

Its an awful feeling to lose your imagination. You grow jealous because everyone who is moving towards success begins to move on while your position has stopped changing. Your thoughts can become ground zero for self-pity, no longer can you picture "what if." It becomes a matter of "what is." You begin to feel stuck, trapped, held hostage by your lifes circumstances.

"Just take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step" - Martin Luther King

If you are guilty of the same understand it's not hard to forget how to believe in yourself. 

Just Remember, the leaders of this world are also the dreamers of this world. I can't believe We forgot that.

Let's not forget it ever again. We've waisted enough time I think.



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